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On behalf of my fellow Directors, I'm pleased to introduce Glennon Small Companies Limited's website (ASX:GC1) and encourage shareholders and the wider investment community to learn more about our business, our strategy and performance.







Yours Sincerely

Michael Glennon
Glennon Small Companies Limited

GC1 Objective

The objective of GC1 is to provide investors with exposure to a portfolio of smaller companies and to do this through a dedicated specialist small companies investment manager. GC1 will offer investors a diversified portfolio of smaller companies that are different to portfolios constructed from S&P/ASX 100 companies. GC1 combines the Manager's distinctively high-conviction investment approach, with specialist knowledge and an extensive small companies network.

GC1 Investment Strategy

  • Concentrated portfolio targeting between 20 and 60 securities

  • Undervalued ASX listed companies outside the S&P/ASX top 100

  • Active, long only, no shorting, no leverage

  • Semi-annual dividends (fully franked)

  • Long term investment focus

Objective and Strategy
Gross Performance as at 31 December 2024

 1 Month    3 Months     6 Months       1 Year        2 Years       3 Years      5 Years      Since inception

Glennon Small Companies Ltd

 -3.93%         5.14%          15.63%          22.77%       8.77       -6.02%         1.42%                4.48%

Percentages beyond one year are p.a.

Investment performance is before expenses, fees and taxes. 

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. 

Dividend History

Cumulative dividends paid to members (per share) for previous reporting periods were as follows:

NTA Dividend Chart_edited.jpg
Benefits of Participating in the Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP)

- Free brokerage - shares acquired under the DRP will not incur any brokerage costs
- 3% discount - DRP shares are discounted for participants
- Compounding your investment for maximum gain - material growth profile over time

Should you wish to participate in the DRP, please click here to access your personal portal at our registry, Boardroom where you may change your dividend instructions easily. Alternatively, you may download this form and return it to Boardroom by the last DRP election date.

Dividend Policy and History
ASX Announcements
NTA Image for website.PNG
ASX Announcements

Click here to view all ASX announcements

Monthly Investment Report & NTA
GC1 Directors

Michael Glennon

Chief Investment Officer


Mr Michael Glennon founded Glennon Capital in 2008 to offer investors the opportunity to co-invest along with the principals of the firm for long-term capital appreciation and income. Michael is an awarded Equities Investment Analyst with over ten years of experience. Known and respected for managing investments for high profile institutional, corporate and private Investors within Australia. Michael holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Western Sydney.


LinkedIn Profile

Craig Stranger

Non-executive Director (Independent)


Mr Stranger has 25 years’ experience across equities research, equity capital markets and mergers and acquisitions, and is a director of Advance Metals Limited (ASX:AVM).


Craig is the Co-founder of PAC Partners. For the last 11 years, PAC Partners is a leading independent financial services group with offices in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth and has led a significant number of capital market transactions in the emerging companies space.


Linkedin Profile


Sulieman Ravell

Non-executive Director (Independent)


Mr Sulieman Ravell has over 20 years experience in the financial services industry. Sulieman is also a representative director and the responsible manager of NW Advice Pty Ltd and Wealth Focus Pty Ltd. He is responsible for providing advice to clients, principally focussed on strategy and asset allocation.


Sulieman holds the Advanced Financial Planning Certificate (UK), a degree in Chemical Engineering and the Advanced Diploma in Financial Planning Australia.


LinkedIn Profile

GC1 Directors
Financial Reports
Forms & Resources
Corporate Governance Documentation

Contact Us


Phone: (02) 8027 1000




PO Box R281,

Royal Exchange

NSW, 1225



Level 26

44 Market Street

Sydney NSW 2000


(c) Copyright 2018 Glennon Capital. All rights reserved.

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